Monday, February 23, 2009


Dear blog, we were supposed to post a video of us for this week's topics. 
I swore never to show this to anyone ever again, but i guess nobody's gonna read this. So what the heck, 
I never once imagined i would be wearing tight black leather stuff prancing around SIM in the middle of the night. Then again, i never once imagined i would strike Toto.. FAKEEE haha.

I'm MJ and rocker singer in this vid.
Video done for MUS 115. 1st sem.
Har Har Har.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


The ultimate search engine. Unrivaled, uncontested!
Today, i would like to focus on Google's Money making attractions. Ad Sense and Ad words.
What do these 2 programs actually do?

An everyday person inserts AdSense JavaScriptcode into a webpage. Each time this page is visited, Google's AdSense registers the visitation and logs 1 visit into the counter of tracker.
Once the minimum of USD$100 is reached, Google pays that person his/her due sum. AdSense allows the everyday user to advertise on their blog/forums and get paid at the same time. Of course companies who want to advertise pay both Google and the user for this new medium of advertisment.


 Have you seen anything cooler?  I was blown away when i saw this vid. Imagine the countless of possibilities that one can do. Splitting a bill 5 ways never been easier. The mouse? a redundant piece of old technology that will not be produced 5 years from now. Where does this lead us to? Touch interactive surfaces everywhere? 

It could have started off from just glowing feedback like this iBar concept, which is kinda cool i might add.
Of course, Microsoft brought it to a whole new level. A interactive surface which helps you open
your files, drag, add, copy and paste files from your hp to anywhere else? A-freaking-mazing.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Electronic Business/Commerce

E - Business 101
"e-business (e’biz’nis) – the transformation of key business processes through the use of Internet technologies".

They include research and development, marketing, manufacturing and inbound and outbound logistics. The buy-side e-commerce transactions with suppliers and the sell-side e-commerce transactions with customers can also be considered to be key business processes.

They have no physical presence on the high-streets and seek to minimize customer-service and support through enabling ‘web self-service’.

In the dot-com era they used to be known as ‘pure-plays’. For example Amazon ( and eBay ( are the world’s two biggest e-businesses.

E - Commerce 101

Transactional e-commerce site. These enable purchase of products online. The main business contribution of the site is through sale of these products. The sites also support the business by providing information for consumers that prefer to purchase products offline. These include retail sites, travel sites and online banking services.

Websites like Alienware and Dell which allow for some degree of customer interaction in customizing their computers are examples of E-Commerce.

Just a heads up this makes an interesting read. 

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Just had to.

Do you have a dirty mind?

Virtual Communities

MMORPGs - Mass Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games.
Second Life, WoW, Maplestory. PoQ ( 1 of the games i played before (=. )

Another life within a life.

Taken from Second Life.
" Second life is an online, 3D virtual world imagined and created by its residents."

Whatever happened to sports and going out!